Click on the picture to see common ailments that people with migraines suffer from. Do you have more to add? On a scale of 1 to 10 how bad does it get? Share
How long have you been searching for a solution to your headaches? Prescription medications may stop an attack, lessen the intensity and duration of the pain. But another headache is always on it’s way. Diet changes also work for some,…
…you are looking for a natural way to help with acute or chronic health concerns.
…you realize that rebuilding health is different than medicating symptoms.
…understand that it takes time to reverse years of chronic conditions towards health.
…you are willing to make changes to support health and well being.
Homeopathy Translated
Homeopathy: means similar suffering. It is applied with the knowledge that what a medicine can cause in a healthy person it can cure in a person with those symptoms.
Homeoprophylaxis: is the use of homepathic remedies and Nosodes to educate the immue system towards specific infectious diseases to prevent disease and epidemics.
Nosode: homeopatic remedy made from disease agents, virus, bacteria or discharges. Potentized, without any material parts remaining.
Remedy: homeopathic medicines that are manufactured with serial dilution and succussion, making them effective and safe, because they are non-toxic.
Potency: the strength of a remedy indicated by the number of dilution and succusion steps. A 30C remedy is weaker that a 200C. The higher the number the higher the potency. X potency = dilution of 1:10; C potency = dilution of 1:100
After 30X and 12C there is no physical substance left, only the energy signature of the substance, therefore even toxic substances become completely non-toxic.
Succussion: the violent hitting of the liquid remedy during the manufacturing process. The agitation energizes the atoms and increases the action of the remedy while allowing for tiny doses of medicine.