Coronavirus – stay healthy

Please keep in mind, the coronavirus is not a deadly epidemic, by comparison, the bird flu has a 50% mortality rate, the coronavirus 2%. And just this last Flu Season, from September 2019 to March 7, 2020, there have been between  22000-55000 deaths as reported by the  CDC-website.
Most affected by the coronavirus are people over 50 years of age and especially those that have Chronic Respiratory Illness, like COPD and/or Asthma, and Diabetes.
Children under the age of 18 are most likely not affected and if they are, they typically have mild flu like symptoms. For the symptoms of the coronavirus click here.

What can you do now?

  • Wash your hands a lot!  Every time you come home after having been anywhere, even just in your car. Viruses can live on surfaces like your car door, the steering wheel……… for many hours, some can survive there for days. Use hot water and soap, long enough to sing Happy Birthday out loud or in your head, you choose. That’s how long it takes to clean your hands of germs.
  • Take vitamin C, as much as you can tolerate spaced throughout the day, and garlic.
  • Zinc and Elderberry tincture protects the cells from viruses.
  • Colloidal Silver can kill bacteria and virus; 1 table spoon 3-4 times a day.
  • Stay well hydrated with good clean water, herbal tea, diluted fruit juice. Think your weight divided by 2, that equals the amount of fluids you need in ounces. Example: 160 lbs : 2 = 80 ounces.
Avoid fever reducers and over the counter pain medication. Fevers help kill the virus. Italy and France are warning people about taking NSAIDS. There have been serious complications in cases where people have taken NSAIDS and cortisone medications.  Instead use homeopathic remedies to assist your immune system for recovery. Good levels of calcium will keep the fever in the therapeutic/healing range. 101-103. The cell salt Ferrum-phos assists the immune system during fever, 3-4 tablets several times a day for a few days.
The main homeopathic remedies that have been used during the coronavirus illness outbreak are: Arsenicum, Bryonia, Gelsemium, Mercurius, Kali-carb, Phosphorus.
Homeopathic remedies are indicated based on individual symptoms, it’s not a one remedy fits all method.
Most importantly – Stay Calm.
Use this time to stay home and reconnect with family, eat good food, and nurture one another. Turn off the TV! A little information goes a long way.
Fear and stress raise your cortisol levels, this in turn suppresses the immune system to make it more likely that you could get sick.
Homeopathy has been successful during epidemics for over 200 years, and it is just as effective today!
Worldwide, all of us homeopaths are collaborating and seeing good results in supporting the immune system both for prevention and speeding recovery with several homeopathic remedies, like the ones listed above. Most of these remedies are available at better health food stores. I am available for consults to help select the best suited remedies for your family. Schedule a homeopathic check-in here.

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